UPDATE: MY FRIDAY THE 13th SCRIPTS have SOLD OUT. Just so you know, I sought out a specialty Printer to make your script look and feel just like mine from 1979. The Printers, who became friends of mine, struggled during the Pandemic & unfortunately with specialty paper prices skyrocketing & all their costs going up.. well, they decided to retire. I'm so very thankful they did such an incredible job for us reproducing my F13 script with such care & bloody brilliance. I get it, this is a very special item; so much film history and nostalgia. A big part of all our cinematic & personal history, too!! I've gotten so many incredibly appreciative e-mails telling me how much they loved this F13 package. I'm thankful that I was able to share it with my passionate fans & collectors. This edition includes my personal notes from those long days and gruesome nights filming at Camp Blood in 1979 and an additional page explaining some of the details of how the final scenes were added after I received my original FRIDAY 13 script. Plus I include a bonus personalized 8 x10 from my original Polaroid collection AND a personalized Postcard from Camp especially for you from me (& Alice:)! I'll be happy to personalize the script to you or your favorite Camper! Let me know when you order! Sooner the better! I know you'll enjoy reading what did and did NOT make it into the original Friday the 13th movie! THE HISTORY behind creating my personal script for YOU, my Campers!! The following is the motivation behind my providing you the opportunity to own a copy of my very own Friday the 13th script. As you probably know, I personally correspond with my fans on Social Media. So, after chatting with a Facebook buddy from the UK (M.) I came to realize that a Company by the name of Royal Books in Baltimore was selling & misrepresenting a copy of my personal Friday the 13th script (1979) as MY original. How dare they??? FYI: I still have in MY possession my original Friday the 13th script. I brought my original F13 script with me to Camp Crystal Lake on April 13th 2018 along with my original cowboy boots and continuity Polaroids from 1979! Everyone loved seeing, touching and feeling what survived with me 41 years later at Camp Blood! As you can see below in my conversations with M.: Hello Adrienne Hope you are well. Just had a question about the script below that is being sold on a script website for $4500. (sure enough it was a photo of my script but I still have my original personal Friday the 13th script!!) I'm interested in buying it but just want to make sure first that it is definitely your script, it has your signature as you can see ,and that it was definitely used by you on set . Many thanks Adrienne . M. Hello Adrienne Yes its being sold by royal books in usa CB online if you google it and type in the script you'll see it . Its at $4500 and now that you've told me that I may not order any scripts from them . They are apprentlya reputable company. If you don't mind accepting my facebook freind request Adrienne I would be interested in purchasing a copy yes,let me know how much.M. I just checked and they are royal books in Baltimore,if you google it Adrienne you'll see the site. Hello Adrienne Received a reply from Royal. Books to say after some research they think it is a copy but get this : They will still sell it at *$4,500! And would I like 20%off the script as I pointed it out to them. No mention on there site description of the script that it is a copy. M. Well this sure seems like Royal Books of Baltimore is trying to take advantage of my Campers! Not under my watch!!! HOWEVER they refused to take it down! So…. “This is the only way I know how!” to deal with this nonsense! Giving you, my Campers, the opportunity to add my script to your Friday the 13th collection. Of course, I will sign & personalize your F13 script as you like! See you back at Camp! Adrienne King Alice Your 1st Final Girl |