Camp Chronicles RSS
I did something pretty cool last Friday!
I hope you had a safe, satisfying & fun Friday the 13th. I sure did! I had the privilege of being the Guest Lecturer at the University of Virginia's Film Studies Class with Professor Matt Marshall and his 50+ students via ZOOM this past Friday the 13th. I have to tell you it was rather intimidating at first when all those Postage Stamp-sized young faces began popping up on my computer screen! Fortunately, my internet held up as the a winter storm was bearing down on Southern Oregon. Here I was about to ZOOM with this new generation of Friday...
Since you asked.... More about my "Friday 13" script!
My Original Friday the 13th Script from 1979!
I miss Betsy & I know you do too.
Happy Friday Campers!
October 2020 Our favorite time of the Year! Welcome to my new website! As you can see this is still a work in progress but I am excited knowing I will be able to be more "hands on" with this user-friendly web platform. I will be adding to this site constantly now that I am at the helm of my own domain;) I will be able to blog, post my new paintings with more frequency & hopefully I'll figure out along the way how to be more interactive with you. Pandemic Pause: Regarding Crystal Lake Wines; this has been a...