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SHOCKFEST Best Actress Nomination for Adrienne King in KILLER THERAPY
SHOCKFEST has nominated Adrienne King for Best Actress for her role in KILLER THERAPY!
I did something pretty cool last Friday!
I hope you had a safe, satisfying & fun Friday the 13th. I sure did! I had the privilege of being the Guest Lecturer at the University of Virginia's Film Studies Class with Professor Matt Marshall and his 50+ students via ZOOM this past Friday the 13th. I have to tell you it was rather intimidating at first when all those Postage Stamp-sized young faces began popping up on my computer screen! Fortunately, my internet held up as the a winter storm was bearing down on Southern Oregon. Here I was about to ZOOM with this new generation of Friday...
Since you asked.... More about my "Friday 13" script!
Thank you for bringing this up Kev. I should have realized that there might be questions regarding why my final Friday the 13th shooting script ends on Page 82 with “Mommy…” instead of: “then he’s still there….” Here is the background on that:
My Original Friday the 13th Script from 1979!
I created a limited edition of my original FRIDAY 13 script for my serious Campers and Collectors. I sought out a specialty Printer to make your script look and feel just like mine from 1979. Already signed by Sean Cunningham, I will add my signature for you with personalization to You if you desire. PS: What better way to celebrate than with 13% OFF my script for this Spooky Season! applied at checkout. (Order Here)
I miss Betsy & I know you do too.
There's no way for me to fully explain the tender relationship that developed between Betsy & me. We had so much in common after all these years. Friday the 13th had cause us both enormous pain in the beginning.